Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wasn't That A Party?

What good sports you all were, braving the frigid early morning temps to come out and shop in your pajamas!



We weren't sure if Barb came to shop or just to entertain us that morning, but we're sure glad she made it, regardless!


More than one pair of these sheep jammies were spotted. (These legs belong to Nancy!) I seriously covet these PJ's.


I know we had someone come from as far away as Flat Rock, MI, and one from Fostoria. Did anyone travel farther for the sale?

Once the sale was ended, Dale and Bobbie took all of the Yarn Cravin' Elves to breakfast. We are never in one place at the same time, since we help out and/or teach at different times. Would the shop even hold us all?



We enjoyed some fantastic food, and even better company. Dale had kind words to say about everyone. And look! Here's the whole fam damily!


The new class schedule is up. You can find it by clicking here: Spring 2011 Class Schedule

Thanks for your continued patronage, and Happy Knitting!

1 comment:

Dale Ann said...

Ok, you made me cry again, my whole fam damily. Love you all.